Next level 2022 5 week challenge

I started the Next level 2022 5 week challenge January 10th 2022. During this 5 week challenge I lost 26 inches and 16 lbs! Thank you to all the ladies in this challenge and at cycle trip that motivated me to come everyday and work hard! I started at cycle trip studio after seeing selfies from selfie September of my friend Gloria. Gloria looks amazing but most importantly she feels better and has more energy which is what we all want no matter your size. It's so hard to get motivated to make time for yourself. I started by changing my schedule up a little and signed up for the 6 am spin classes. This crazy thing happened…after spin class I was up and motivated my mornings have never been better and I am not a morning person. The biggest work out change for me During the 5 week challenge was adding 5:15 am weight lifting fit classes. At the beginning of the challenge we did a 10 day detox. I was really nervous about….what am I going to eat! Lol After the 10 day detox I stayed vegan 5-6 days a week and still sticking to it. Meal prepping was the biggest success. I have struggled with weight my whole life as well as finding something that works for me. For me scheduling classes equals commitment and accountability vs. Me going to the gym by myself. If your having a hard time with keeping motivated working out, you need to try cycle trip ! I started cycle trip September 2021 and I am down 61 lb!! The before and after pictures are from the 5 week challenge.